Monday, July 14, 2008

Following the Rules

Let me ask you a question -- do you follow the rules because you want to or because you have to? That question, of course, assumes that you do follow the rules. Now if you are like me, you say it's because you want to, but is that really the case? Answer the following questions honestly and see:
  • When you see a policeman on the side of the road, do you immediately hit your brakes and look at you speedometer?
  • When a policeman gets behind you, do you become nervous and set your cruise control?

Chances are, if you answered either of these questions with a yes, like me, you might have some work to do. The other day, as I was traveling down a stretch of road with a 30 mph speed limit, I noticed a policeman right behind me. My heart began to beat a little faster. My palms became a little sweaty. I constantly checked my speed and my rearview mirror. And then it hit me. Why should it matter whether or not a policeman could see how fast I am driving? Isn't the speed limit the speed limit regardless of who is watching? And what about other areas of my life? Do I do certain things only because someone expects me to? Or do I take God's Word to heart and do everything "as unto the Lord"? You know, the good news is that God is gracious, and even when I mess up and don't follow the rules, He isn't waiting to turn on the blue lights and write me a ticket. But I sure don't want to be guilty of taking that grace for granted. After all, it was my sin that sent Jesus to the cross. And yours, too.

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