Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Peace, Love, and Thankfulness

Colossians 3:15 - Peace, Love, and Thankfulness

We were called to love and to peace and to thankfulness in this one body of Christ. It is about harmony in the group. Three amazing emotions that are the gifts of God:

·         Peace – a sense of well-being no matter the difficulties we face. The reason for that is the knowledge that we are in Christ – hidden and raised up. How could this one truth not give us the greatest peace at all times?

·         Love – the knowledge that God has given everything for me and to me as His son.

·         Thankfulness – I fear that too often we consider this an attitude when it ought to be a lifestyle. We talk about it a great deal, but our lives reveal the truth.

Sometimes, peace, love, and thankfulness are hard to come by even though God gives them freely. Our hearts are often troubled. Feeling loved sometimes disappears. We know that we are loved. God loves us. Family and friends love us. But still, it seems so far away. So what do we do? We ask God to change our hearts, to fill us with His love, and then we demonstrate that love to others. We ask Him to fill us with His peace, and then we live it out in the midst of life’s difficult circumstances. And then we ask God to make us truly thankful. Lord, give me an attitude of gratitude that becomes a lifestyle of love for you and others.

Notice how Paul puts it: let the peace of God…. We have to allow God’s peace to rule in our hearts. It is a choice to have peace in our hearts – financial peace, peace about our families, peace in the church. Sweet peace. His peace. Let it rule in my heart today. One commentary puts it this way: “There is no room for ill will or bitterness if thankfulness prevails” (New American Commentary, vol. 32, p. 302).

Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Only God's Love Can Do That

Colossians 3:11-14 – Only God’s Love Can Do That

One body – the body of Christ. Remember that because Paul says that in Christ, all dividing walls are broken down because Jesus is all in all. Do you know how I understand that picture? It’s like a solution that is poured into us and around us that dissolves us until we are one. That may not be the best illustration, but it makes sense to me.

In Christ, we are the elect of God – chosen by Him, saved by Him, secured by Him. This makes us holy and beloved. Set apart and favored. Sanctified and blessed. The fact that He chose us proves that we are loved, and the fact that He loves us caused Him to set us apart. Now because of our love for Him, we MUST change. Yes, He changes us, but we, too, must make changes. Changes that are not possible without His working in us.

·         We must become compassionate toward others.

·         Kindness should be more than just a word in our vocabulary.

·         Humility, that desire to see ourselves as we really are knowing that we must esteem others more highly.

·         Meekness – surrendered strength harnessed by the Master.

·         Patient endurance – waiting until God says it’s over, whatever IT is. Enduring even the flaws of others and being willing to forgive without hesitation.

These are the new attributes that must become part of our spiritual DNA.

But the one thing that is above all others, the ultimate goal of being in Christ, is to love as God loves for that is the bond of perfection. Love is what binds us together and brings us to maturity. In fact, it is love that will enable us to put on all these things – only God’s love can do that.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Body of Christ in Unity

Colossians 3:5-11 – The Body of Christ in Unity
Dying with Christ sets us free from sin. We are hidden in Him, so the world cannot harm us. We are raised with Christ, so our minds should be set on things above. Based on all of that which has already been accomplished, it is still our responsibility and our necessity to put to death those parts of our human nature we call sinful. Paul gives us a list, but it is by no means comprehensive. But why these?
  •   Fornication – because it is the area in which all of us are most vulnerable. Sexual sins/temptation is Satan’s primary weapon against us. The reason: sex is God’s gift to man. Satan’s goal is to take something sacred and turn it to evil.
  • Uncleanness is all things that defile the body.
  • Passion and evil desire involves those sins of the heart and mind – lust unbridled desires.
  • Covetousness is that never-ending desire for more just because others have it. Paul calls it idolatry because it takes priority over everything in life – especially our relationship with God.

It is because of these things that God pours out His wrath on the sons of disobedience – the lost who continue to live in sin and reject God’s grace. As Christians, we need to remember that we were once like that – lost – and were called sons of disobedience, too.

And then there is the other list: the kinds of things that characterize the old way of life. We are to put them off, to remove them from ourselves like old clothes that no longer fit. Perhaps Paul is speaking of a more daily activity in which we must purposely, intentionally control these behaviors:
  • Anger, in all its forms, that evidences itself through our language and ultimately leads to deception. 
  •  Denials. Lies. We put these things off because we have put on the new man and we are hidden in Christ.

And since we are hidden in Christ, we are also renewed in knowledge. We know better because the Image of God, that in which we were created, has been restored in us! The result of doing this: one body. The body of Christ in unity!

Friday, November 21, 2014


Colossians 3:1-4 - Hidden

Dying with Christ sets us free from the bonds of sin and removes us from the Judaistic practices of the Old Testament. Paul mentions the prohibitions concerning unclean things at the end of chapter 2. False teachers tried to convince the Colossians that in order to be Christian they had to practice the rituals of Judaism. While we no longer have to follow these traditions of me, we are still obligated to be obedient to God.  Then, in chapter 3, he talks about being raised with Christ and that gives us a new perspective – a vantage point high above the tumult of this life. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul said it this way: we are seated in the heavenlies with Christ. Now he tells us that we are to seek heavenly things. Too many times we find ourselves, even though we are seated in the heavenlies, focused on earthly things. It is only natural to be concerned about our families, our jobs, and our lives. Paul says to let those concerns go. He did not mean that we never think about them ever again. We do. But if we seek the right things – the Kingdom of God – God will take care of the rest.

In dying with Christ, our lives are hidden in Him. Nothing can harm us unless it goes through Him – through Jesus and through God. What a promise! But it doesn’t end there. Christ is coming again and when He does, our next step is GLORY! Hallelujah! Even so, Lord Jesus, come!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Colossians 2:20-23 – Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Instead of “if,” read “since.” Since you died with Christ. Remember that Paul is writing to believers, and in the Bible, context means everything (along with the rules of grammar – but I really don’t want to get into that). Having said that, there is the possibility that Paul is showing them a particularly frustrating dilemma – not everyone who says, “Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom,” according to Jesus. What is required is true salvation based on God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. None of the other things that the Judaizers (a group of professing Christians that insisted that Gentiles had to become Jewish and follow their rituals before you could be a Christian) taught is adequate. So unless they have truly repented of their sins and accepted the forgiveness that God offers, there is no salvation. For those who have, however, we died with Christ. These worldly, fleshly, legalistic principles have no power over us.

So the question is, “Are they saved?” Paul is asking these Colossians if they know beyond a shadow of doubt that they have surrendered their lives to the Lordship of Jesus. If they have, why are they bothering to follow the legalistic teachings of men when they have been set free? Eating certain foods or touching “unclean” things cannot affect your salvation. Maybe in human religions this makes you seem more pious in your own eyes. Maybe a little wiser to those who believe like you do. But these practices do not change your spiritual condition. It’s a bit like a man being in prison for years, and he cannot wait to get out. The day finally comes and he is released. No parole. No probation. He is completely exonerated, but ever night he returns to his jail cell. It makes no sense.

Paul says that there is “no value against the indulgence of the flesh.” What he means is that denying yourself these things does not change the desires of your heart. Only God can do that. In spiritual matters, quite often a play on an old saying is true: abstinence makes the heart grow fonder – of fleshly desires! Only a right relationship with the Father can set you free from the bondage of human desire.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Beware of False Teachers

Colossians 2:18-19 – Beware of False Teachers

Too many false teachers are trying to convince the Christian of their credentials and then lead them down the wrong path doctrinally – that has been a problem from the beginning. Even Jesus had to warn His future followers that false prophets are ravenous wolves disguised as sheep just waiting to devour them. The apostles dealt with them in the book of Acts. And now Paul is warning the Christians at Colossae. Guess what! They are still around today trying to tell us that salvation requires more than God’s grace that allows us to place our faith in Jesus. Whether it is some particular spiritual gift, a second blessing, or just an added ritual of some kind, if they tell you these things are necessary for salvation then they are false prophets.

Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets!” John said, “Test the spirits.” And Paul tells us that we must be keen observers and know the truth. We must discern the spirit that is within or else they may take us places we do not want to go. Keep this in mind: humble spirits are good, but false humility is a disguise; worshiping angels is not holy because we are only to worship the Creator, not the created; and every true prophet/teacher must be grounded in the Word and know what He is teaching. Sadly, too often, these men and women come into the church teaching things they didn’t see or hear from God. Why? Because their vanity has gotten the better of them. Because they are not holding fast to the Head of the Church – Jesus, and the enemy has led them astray. It is too easy to stray into false doctrine unless we stay firmly established in Christ. He is the One who gives us roots that nourish our spiritual lives. He is the brain that gives us direction and causes the body to function. He is the one that causes us to grow spiritually. So if the teacher is not firmly connected to the Head, how can he truly teach – or how can he teach the truth? He cannot, and it is our responsibility to turn away and not let him cheat us from the reward of knowing Truth.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Colossians 2:11-17 - Victory

A touchy subject: spiritual circumcision. No need for hands or medical instruments because Christ took care of it. He peeled back the fleshy – and sometimes crusty – layers of our hearts. We need to remember that the very reason that circumcision was commanded was to mark God’s people as His own. But we often forget -- or fail to realize -- that it did not serve as a sign to the rest of the world but as a reminder to His people. They belonged to God. Now the only mark necessary is Jesus’ blood – the blood poured out on Calvary’s cross that washed our sins away and forever sealed us as His own, and the only symbol required is baptism. But we have to be careful in our understanding of why baptism is necessary. It isn’t because baptism saves us that it is important but because it walks us through the process: crucified and buried with Jesus and raised to walk in a newness of life. What a powerful testimony to our souls and to those who witness this beautiful image! Every time we see a new believer immersed in the waters of baptism it should remind us of our own salvation experience, taking us back to the very cross of Jesus – reminding us that we were made alive by Him who can raise the dead. And we were dead! Dead in our trespasses in sins! Spiritually dead until He raised us through His forgiveness.

Here’s the key: once He had fulfilled the Law through His sacrificial death and resurrection, He crucified it. The very document that reveals our sin to us was nailed to a cross, and our sins were completely erased. Then, as if that were not enough, He took the principalities and powers of this world, the very powers that seek to condemn us, and He made them look like idiots. They thought they had won. They thought they had defeated the Father’s plan, and in the midst of their victory dance, Jesus arose! His victory – our victory – was complete.


Monday, November 17, 2014

His Grace Is All We Need!

Colossians 2:8-10 – His Grace is all we need
We are so easily deceived by persuasive words if we are not grounded in the truth. Simply put, listening to men’s persuasive (false) arguments will cheat you out of the blessed life Christ offers. Paul calls them vain philosophies and empty deceits. The Greeks were keen on philosophy, and many of the early church members had been saved out of the systems of belief that held a worldview totally contrary to Christianity. However, it is often difficult to completely let go of deeply held beliefs, so some of these found their way into the church. Perhaps they were dealing with teachers who didn’t truly believe in the deity of Christ and the sufficiency of His shed blood. Whatever the issue, the heresy was that salvation came from faith in Jesus plus something else. Traditions? Rituals?

Stuck on the traditions of men, certain groups demanded that Gentiles be circumcised in order to be saved. Others insisted that following Jewish dietary restrictions were required. Still others felt that following other traditions was an imperative, and some of these were extremely rigorous.  But the traditions of men stifle, imprison, and even kill us spiritually. Today we do the same things. We hold onto our traditions and demand others follow them as well. “If you don’t speak in tongues, you aren’t truly saved,” some say. “If you don’t believe exactly like I believe, you can’t be saved,” others say. “If you don’t worship the way that we worship, you can’t be saved.” Sadly, in our insistence, we are telling people that salvation isn’t by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We are saying that His shed blood is not sufficient. But if we listen to the One Who was with God in the beginning, the One Who is God in the flesh, the triune God evidenced as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we will find life, freedom, and power – we will be COMPLETE! For He is power, and His grace is all we need!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Skyscraper or Shack?

Colossians 2:4-7 – Skyscraper or Shack?

A bank president once told me that when he trains his tellers to recognize counterfeit money, he never shows them a counterfeit bill. He makes them hold, count, touch, and smell the real thing. He said that the reason for this is once you know what the real thing feels like, you just know when a fake bill crosses your fingers. 

It is so easy to be deceived by persuasive words – unless we know the truth so deeply that we cannot be tricked. Paul said it this way: we will be deceived easily unless we are grounded in the faith and hope of Jesus. This is the mystery that has been revealed in Christ Jesus, and knowledge of the mystery, the fact that God the Father loves us so much that He made a way for us to know Him intimately, protects us from being led astray. You see, when we truly know Him and His truth, no amount of persuasive words can deceive us.

Paul knows! He knows that our only hope to survive the onslaught coming our way is to be rooted in Jesus. We received Him in faith, so we must live this life in faith. We surrendered to Him in obedience, we must then live in surrender and obedience. We received Him as a love-gift, so we must live as if every moment is that same gift of love. And as we do so, we are rooted/grounded/given a solid foundation upon which His Spirit builds us up! Skyscraper or shack? It’s our choice based on the faith by which we live. For that, we can be thankful.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Burden to Encourage

Colossians 2:1-3 - A Burden to Encourage 

Paul is a man of many emotions. We have seen him grateful, hopeful, confident, and rejoicing. And as we begin chapter 2, Paul tells us that he agonizes over Christians that he has never met as well as those to whom he has had the opportunity to minister. What is his burden? That they will be encouraged in their hearts. Isn’t that amazing? This is a man who has been beaten, imprisoned, shipwrecked, and left for dead, and he is broken-hearted because he knows they need encouragement. No doubt the struggles of the Christian life had brought many down – depression was a constant threat. Oftentimes, depression causes us to focus only on ourselves, and usually that focus is extremely negative. Thoughts that would never normally cross our minds capture us: thoughts of worthlessness and uselessness.

Even Christians need encouragement, and I’m here to tell you that encouragement comes through prayer. Yes, we need to pray, and we need others praying for us. But encouragement also comes from the fellowship of love that is centered in the family of God. Sadly, when we become discouraged, our first move is to pull away from the family, but we are truly knit together in love, fashioned into one body, and pulling away would require something as drastic as an amputation. And still, some do it, but as you read this, I want you to hear the truth and the passion in this next statement. The joy that comes from knowing that we are in this struggle together is indescribable. It isn’t a misery loves company kind of sentiment. It is the fellowship of soldiers fighting side-by-side. It is the loyalty of comrades lifting their brothers on their shoulders and carrying them into the future. Then add to that the supernatural enlightenment that comes as the Holy Spirit shows us the riches of His assurance and the understanding of the knowledge of the mystery that salvation is ours by God’s grace! As Dr. Chuck Kelly, President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, always says, “There is a Hebrew word that describes this feeling: WOW!”

When we are in Christ and He is in us, we have access to the treasures of wisdom and knowledge hidden in Him. In Him, we know everything we need to know about living the Christian life, a life of joy and victory, even when we are in the depths of depression. Thank you, Jesus, for these wonderful gifts!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

That's Not Normal

Colossians 1:24-29 - That’s Not Normal!

Rejoicing in suffering is not normal. There is a psychological term for people like that – nut job. Okay, I admit that is not the technical term, but you get the idea. But for Paul, suffering for the Kingdom means becoming more like Jesus: suffering as He suffered for the church brings joy. What we have to understand is that there is a purpose and a power involved in this. The purpose is to preach the gospel to those who haven’t heard. The power is to reveal the mystery long-hidden but now made clear. What is that mystery? It is Christ in us, the hope of glory. In all my years as a Christian, I have never had anyone to adequately – at least in my opinion – explain this, but here is my attempt. Our hope of glory is the hope that cannot be obtained except through the shed blood of Jesus. God loves us so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross so that all who would accept the free gift of salvation would spend eternity with Him. In Him. In Christ Jesus. That is our hope of glory: Hope for today because if we are in Him we are safe and sound, assured of God’s love and provision. And His provision includes everything from our basic needs to our spiritual maturity. But it is also hope for tomorrow – actually for all eternity – because He tells us that in Christ, we have the promise of heaven.

So Paul is willing to suffer for the Kingdom because God called him to minister; he became God’s gift to the Gentiles. His preaching would communicate the message that would transform lives, and every life transformed would be presented to God as perfect in Christ Jesus. This is Paul’s calling. Is it mine? Is it yours? In a sense, it is the calling for all of us to whom the mystery is revealed. God, help me today to faithfully labor for the Kingdom and to rejoice in my suffering. Make that my new normal!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Colossians 1:21-23 – Reconciled 

I love the way Paul writes this. Once alienated and enemies, now reconciled. In fact, I think Paul is saying that the fullness of God (see yesterday’s post) has reconciled us in His body. Before we came to know Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives, we were aliens and enemies. Separated from God. At war with Him. But now we have been brought close to – even into – God through the shed blood of His Son. It is because of this reconciliation, and only because of this reconciliation, that we are PRONOUNCED holy and blameless and above reproach. We are washed clean, not by our actions but by His, and because we are in Christ, God sees His Son when He looks at us. He sees Jesus.

Then comes the big “IF.” If indeed you continue in the faith…. It sounds ominous and foreboding in the English language. It expresses so much doubt that we easily become fearful. Will I be able to continue in the faith? Do I have enough strength to remain grounded and steadfast? The bad news is that the answer to those questions is, “NO!” The good news is that they are not the right questions. When Paul wrote this, he was not expressing doubt as we might think. Instead, he is speaking with confidence. Literally, he is saying, “If you stand firm in the faith, and I am sure that you will….” You see, continuance is the test of reality. Perseverance is the proof of salvation. Those who have truly been transferred into the Kingdom of Heaven are there for eternity, and they will not be moved away from that precious Hope of Glory!

Thank you, God, for the assurance of my salvation! Thank you for holding me tightly in the palm of your Hand.

Monday, November 10, 2014

God's Pleasure

Colossians 1:19-20 God’s Pleasure

God’s pleasure focused on Jesus. So, too, did God’s plan. Paul put it this way: what pleased God was that all fullness should dwell in Jesus; His plan was that Jesus would be the agent of reconciliation Who brought forgiveness through His blood. And I believe that the fulfillment of His plan also gave God great pleasure.

Now, you are either sitting there thinking, “Wow, that’s deep!” Or you are saying out loud, “Huh?” Look at it this way. Jesus is the fullness of God (the image of the Invisible, remember) which means that He is the fullness of His glory, His grace, and His goodness. He is the complete image of God, the power of God, and the purpose of God. He is God’s plan – beginning, middle, and end. And it pleases God to use His Son, Jesus, to reconcile ALL things to Himself.

When Adam and Eve sinned, nature was thrown out of balance. Death entered the world. Neither of these surprised God because He had a plan. From before the foundation of the world, Jesus was destined to die on Calvary’s cross. Because we continue to live in the presence of sin and succumb to the power of sin and all its consequences, nature continues to struggle. However, through His shed blood, balance is restored. It is restored in the hearts and lives of those who accept His sacrifice through faith, and it will one day be restored worldwide when He returns to earth and sets up His kingdom once again. In the meantime, what would give God the most pleasure is that you accept His plan for your life.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Image of the Invisible

Colossians 1:15-18 Image of the Invisible

What a powerful passage of Scripture! I hope that you will take the time and actually read these verses. The image of the invisible God – how does that work? How do you get an image of the invisible? You look at Jesus who  is in every sense the physical manifestation of God. God is Spirit, and Jesus is God in the flesh. Firstborn over all creation. The Greek word is prototokos and means first begotten. Even before God spoke the first words of creation, Jesus was there. He holds the same relation to creation as God the Father does. It is through Him that all things were created, and as John says, nothing was created that He did not create. Jesus was not part of creation but He is the beginning of creation – the source, the agent, the cause of creation. And that creation consists of everything both physical and spiritual. Planets and powers. Air and angels. Kings and creatures. Me and you. All of it created through Him and for Him. We are here for Him, and in fact, consist only in Him. He is the reason that we are here and the reason that we are able to be here. The word consist means “to cause to stand.” Jesus causes us to stand. As Hebrews 1:3 states,  He “…uphold[s] all things by the word of His power….” I hope you see this as I do: it is because of Jesus that we live and love and think and act and serve. He is the preeminent one in all things, especially the Church. He is the head, the beginning, the source of the church because He is the firstborn of the dead. How can we do anything but bow down and worship the One called Jesus?

Friday, November 7, 2014

What Has God Done For Us?

Colossians 1:13-14 What Has God Done For Us?

Let’s review: given us the hope of heaven, fills us with the knowledge of His will, strengthens us, qualifies us for our inheritance, and delivers us from the power of darkness into the Kingdom. Pause for just a second. He has delivered us from the power of darkness. It is a done deal for His people. We have been rescued. Sin has no more power over us. The curse of sin is dead. And in doing this, He has delivered us (done deal) in the Kingdom. This is not just any Kingdom – this one belongs to the Son of His love, and add to all of these blessings redemption and forgiveness of sin.

I know you see what this means. This is more than moving our names from one list to another. We have been taken out of the realm of darkness and into God’s Light. I was checking out the word that Paul used for “deliver,” and it means to rush or draw is if through a current. So get this: we are washed out of the power of darkness by the raging torrent of Jesus’ blood, and that raging river has carried us right on into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you, Jesus, for shedding your blood. Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for delivering me from the power of darkness. Now, Lord, please give me strength to walk in that freedom!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Praying for You

Colossians 1:9-12 “Praying For You”

            What would it be like to know that someone had prayed this prayer for you?

·         Filled with knowledge of His will with wisdom and spiritual understanding

·         Walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him

·         Being fruitful in every good work

·         Increasing in the knowledge of God

·         Strengthened with all might according to His glorious power

·         And even more

As I was reading these verses this morning, a thought crossed my mind: is this the prayer that Jesus is praying for me right now even as He is seated at the right hand of God? After all, Paul tells us in Romans 8:34 that He is praying for us there. He might be; or He might be praying something even more personal – like, “Let Him make it through the day without totally messing up!” Then I asked myself, “Am I praying that prayer for myself? Am I praying that prayer for my wife? My children? My church members? Until today, the answer to these questions is “NO!” But we need this. We need every one of these things so that we can lead the kind of life that is pleasing to God. I need these things. I want these things, so I ask you, Lord, today to strengthen me with your might. You know I need patience and longsuffering and JOY! Lord, let your joy flow through me today as I minister to hurting people. And I pray this for every person who reads this because we need Your Church to know and to walk and to be fruitful and to be strengthened. Thank you, Father. Thank you for qualifying us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.

            One last thing. Keep this in mind. The focus of this prayer is God, not you. Or me. He is the one who fills and strengthens and qualifies. That should give you a reason to thank Him this morning.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Have We Lost the Hope of Heaven?

Colossians 1:1-8 Have We Lost the Hope of Heaven?

As we start this journey together, understand that these are just my thoughts as I go through my quiet time and listen for God to speak to my heart. Some of these will be personal. Some may never find their way to this page. Others will speak into your life, I pray, the word that He has for you.

Paul and Timothy are writing together to faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. They are thankful for their faith in Jesus, their love for the saints, and their hope laid up in heaven. Hope? They talk about the hope of the gospel; it’s bringing forth fruit. I was just thinking – do we really have that kind of hope anymore? Maybe if we could really believe in heaven – picture it in our hearts. But our lives have been so good on Earth, we don’t long for heaven like the early Christians. Their lives were filled with constant struggles, fighting to survive and take care of their families. They were facing persecution daily. Enter their lives: the message of heaven -- the promise of rest – healing – joy. Could it be that heaven was more appealing to them than to us? How sad! We have lost sight of the truth. Heaven is so much more than we can imagine.