Sunday, February 15, 2009

February is Romance Month

Well, what more can I say. The month of February is filled with hearts and love and Valentines. So why shouldn't it be about the second most important relationship in our lives: our spouses. Last week we focused on becoming best friends with our spouses. Isn't it funny how we sometimes get married and then prefer to spend time with other people? I guess funny isn't the right word for it. It really is sad, at least to me. I can't imagine not spending my time with Sonya. That doesn't mean she has to watch science fiction movies with me all the time, but she does watch them a lot. Just like I watch HGTV with her. We do spend a lot of time together, but we also are comfortable doing things alone or with other people, too.

Today we focused on communication. As important as it is to be best friends, it is just as important to communicate with our best friend. When we first meet, it's like we don't have enough time to say everything that's on our minds. But after we've been married for any length of time, we don't have enough things to say to fill up all our time. So we read the newspaper or watch television or find other things to occupy our times. It is okay, in fact it's good, to get to the point where you are comfortable with the silences as long as the silent moments don't become the norm.

Some people may wonder why I am spending so much time on this topic when we have a church full of senior adults. It's because we have couples in our church, young and old, who are having problems in their marriages. It's because we have youth who need to hear what it takes to have a godly marriage before they get married. It's because no matter how good your marriage is, there is always room for improvement. I am hoping that the couples in our church will take seriously their role as mentors to couples in need. And don't forget, if you missed the messages, you can listen to them online at . Go to audio sermons and scroll down to "Making Good Marriages Great."

We will conclude this series with a special event on Sunday morning, March 1 and then a special viewing of the movie "Fireproof" on Sunday night. You don't want to miss it.

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