Saturday, June 7, 2008

Doctor's Appointments

I had one this week. I waited two and one-half hours to see him. He breezed in wearing jeans with holes all up the legs -- no kidding! From there it turned into an Abbot and Costello routine. You see, I was there to get the results of blood tests checking my cholesterol levels. It went something like this:
Doctor: I've got some good news for you.
Me: Great. My cholesterol levels must be down.
Doctor: No, they are up a few points.
Me: Oh, that's bad.
Doctor: Not really. It's only up 3 points and its in the good level.
Me: Oh, that's good.
Doctor: No, that's bad because your good cholesterol went down and it's in the red zone.
Me: Oh, that's bad.
Doctor: No, that's good because your bad cholesterol went down, too, and it's in the good zone. So all you need to do is take a few thousand milligrams of niacin and a coated aspirin every day.
Me: Oh, that's bad.
Doctor: Yeah, you bet that's bad because now your daughter is going to say you're an old man because you have to take an aspirin a day.

And he was right.


Unknown said...

I love you old man :-) Thanks for being an awesome dad... start taking that aspirin so your grandcats can climb your trees :-)

Anonymous said...

Did he really say that about us calling you an old man? When would we EVER call you an old man? It's not like sarcasm is our family's spiritual gift or anything...:)