Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Ministry Priorities

As promised, I have tallied up the scores and have come up with a summary of your priorities for ministry. Without question, Prayer and Bible Study were number 1 and 2. Evangelism came in right behind these two while Pastoral Ministry and Preaching were tied for 4th place. Just below the middle of the pack was Supervision/Administration followed by Time with Family, Missions, Counseling, Teaching, and Planning. At the very bottom of the list, basically honorable mentions, you included Personal Renewal, Community Involvement, Weddings, and Funerals. Thank you for participating in this little survey. While I was hoping for a larger number of responses, I appreciate those of you who did respond.

Now here is my list with my reasoning:
1. Personal relationship with God – First and foremost in this priority is Prayer and Bible Study. I don’t believe one is effective without the other, and I know that I cannot be effective without both of these. Please understand that this priority includes every aspect of my personal relationship with God including my call to ministry, meeting needs of others, and my responsibility to share the gospel. After all, Jesus said that “loving God completely and loving others as myself” summed up who we are as Christians and what we are supposed to be.
2. My family – The Bible says that a man who neglects his family is worse than an infidel, so I believe that I must spend time with my family. After all, it is one of the requirements of being a pastor, according to 1 Timothy 3. This also would include my time of personal renewal because Sonya has always been a large part of my ministry.
3. Ministry to Southside – In this I include Preaching/Sermon preparation, Teaching, and Pastoral Ministry. Please understand that Pastoral Ministry includes visiting the sick and shut-ins, ministry to members in need, weddings and funerals, and counseling.
4. Supervision/Administration – I include in this my role as supervisor of the staff, leadership responsibilities in the church, and planning for the future.
5. Fellowship with church members – While I would love to be able to visit in every church member’s home on a regular basis, that isn’t possible because of time constraints. Please know that I will always try to be there for EVERY member who has a need, and I will try to accept EVERY invitation to visit and fellowship, but with over 700 resident members representing approximately 250 homes, sometimes human limitations will prevent that.
6. Community Involvement – I don’t believe it’s possible to be “the salt” and “the light” that Jesus called us to be if we are not involved in our community.

Now you have my list of my priorities. I look forward to hearing your comments concerning
the list. In addition, next week I will share my thoughts as to what I believe YOUR priorities should be.

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