Monday, December 1, 2014

Is the Word at Home in Your Life?

Colossians 3:16-17 – Is the Word at Home in Your Life?

I’m back. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend – I know I did. We had all the family at our house for four days – what a blessing! The house is very quiet now, and I miss them. Thank you, God, for giving us this week. Now, on to our walk through Colossians.

Paul says that we are to put on love and peace; we become thankful, and then we let the Word of Christ dwell in us. Folks, this is the living Word as well as His spoken/written word. To dwell in us is exactly what it sounds like. We must allow Him/it to take up residence in us. The concept is that it must be “at home” with us. That reminds me of this past week. Our kids – who have never lived in Decatur, by the way – came home. This has never been their home in any technical sense, but when they come here, they are “at home.” They know that if it is in the house, it is for them to use as they wish. They kick their shoes off when they come in – and just like when the girls lived at home, they are left in the middle of the floor. Toys are strewn throughout the living room, and that’s okay. Because they are “at home” with us. The Word/word must become such a part of our lives that it is as natural as coming home. But this Word/word is to dwell in us RICHLY! This can only happen if we make an effort to fill our lives with the gospel – to fill our minds with the truth – and to fill our lives with the natural outflow of ministry. What does that entail? Teaching, encouraging one another (even correcting one another) through worship by the singing of songs to the Lord with grace in our hearts. By the way, that is what true worship IS, and when we do true worship, we are led to serve others and to minister to the Lord.

But, you say, I cannot teach or sing. Those aren’t my spiritual gifts, and they are not part of my natural abilities. So what! We are told we are to do it, so trusting in God’s grace and knowing that you are letting His Word dwell in you richly, do the best you can and do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then step back and watch what God can do with your best.

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