Friday, January 30, 2009

Belize—Day 6

Today is our 27th anniversary. I am blessed that I was able to start the morning off with a phone call to Sonya, my lovely wife, whom I miss very much. As Bro. Berry said this morning, when you get married, God truly makes us “one.” And as the years pass, it just gets better and better. I love you, sweetheart, and I can’t wait to see you Sunday night.

Thankfully, no one was hung over from the ice cream last night. It has been a great trip in that everyone has stayed healthy and in good spirits. You can tell that we are all tired, but everything is winding down today. We have completed all of the major projects that Lyle had on his list for this trip and many little projects that were on his wish list. We are even tackling one project that he never dreamed we would get to: we are preparing for the concrete, including the towers, that will support the water tank. I think it has been as hot today as yesterday, but most of the morning was spent in the shade tying steel for the towers. We wanted to go back this afternoon and stand the towers up, connect them together, and build the forms for the concrete, but we didn’t complete that task. Sorrowfully, we won’t get to see that poured. So far today, everyone has behaved themselves; however, Gorman has gotten a little too comfortable with the short jokes, all of them pointed at me. But that’s okay, because I love him and the Bible says I have to forgive him as well. We are all giving and taking a lot of good-natured ribbing, including Greg Johnson who sweats more than any man I’ve ever met, even me. The good thing is that I haven’t smelled him – so far. We have taken some interesting pictures of Randy Smith. All I will say is shorts and boots. Overall, I guess it was a good combination. Working together like this really pulls you closer to each other. The work was more like fun than work. The staff took very good care of us—the food was great. I even enjoyed the boiled okra.

We are done. We didn’t get finished, but we ran out of supplies. We worked after dinner trying to complete the forms for the towers. But we had soft nails and hard wood. Ryan was looking on and wanted to know how many Baptists it takes to drive a nail. It took quite a few to drive them into that wood. We are very proud of our accomplishments, but we know that all the glory must go to God. He kept us strong and healthy. He gave us almost perfect weather. We only saw one Tarantula, and only Ed saw that. There were a host of other spiders, mosquitoes, and ants.

We are all excited about going home, but it will be sad to leave the boys. While we will most likely see Lyle and Rose again, it is very probable that we will never see most of the boys again. They really behave a lot like our children, but without all the stuff we have given them. A simple thing like a bag of candy brightens their smile. I hope we have touched their hearts as much as they have touched ours.

One more thing. The team has told me over and over again that what happens in Belize stays in Belize. So please do me one favor: forget everything I’ve written so far!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that some people do remember their wedding anniversary. I know someone who forgot a couple of years ago, so I try to remind him at the begining of the month now. I believe he was on the church pulpit committee at the time and had his mind on someone else. Glad to hear everyone is doing good except Gorman. He has behavior problems though that we have to consider. See all of you soon. God's speed. I noted that Jen said she had always wanted a brother. June B