Thursday, January 15, 2015

Love is the Theme

1 Thessalonians 4:9-10a – Love is the Theme

Back to love! Have I ever told you that love covers a multitude of sins? That is not original with me, but it is a true statement – from the Bible, actually. When you love someone dearly, two things happen. Often you are blinded to their faults and flaws. Early on in a love relationship, the other person can do no wrong. However, when we finally become aware of these flaws, we readily forgive. That’s what true love does. What I have discovered is that when we have love for our brothers and sisters in Christ, the same things happen.

Look at how Paul says this. “I don’t have to teach you this because God has already done it.” It is part of what God instills within us when we become Christians. The apostle John tells us that if we don’t have love for one another then we don’t know God. The Thessalonican Christians understood this. Their love went beyond the walls of the church. Paul said that it encompassed all the Christians in Macedonia.

Wouldn’t it be great if we had that kind of love just for the Christians in Decatur (or wherever you are)? Instead, we have jealousy because someone else’s church is doing better than ours. Bitterness because some of our members started going to their church. Anger because…. Well, there are just so many reasons. That’s why we have so many churches and denominations – we can’t get along with each other. Why? Because we don’t have LOVE for one another. Shame on us! Is there any wonder as to why lost people aren’t interested in our churches? Why would they want to join a group that is as miserable as so many of our churches seem to be? Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples: that you have love one for another.” And not only did the lost world notice this attribute, but also they were attracted to the love of Christ. That’s what it’s going to take to reach lost people today, so let’s love one another as Jesus loves us.

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