Thursday, January 22, 2015

What A Day That Will Be!

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 – What A Day That Will Be!

Not knowing the truth causes sorrow because there is no hope in the world’s view of death, but knowing the truth brings joy and excitement. Why? Because it is a win-win situation! If we die, we immediately enter God’s presence. We go to heaven. Now some of you might be saying, “Pastor, you said if we die. Last time I checked the statistics, the death rate for humanity is 100%!” Well, that is not quite accurate. Enoch and Elijah never died according to Scripture. They were “taken” into heaven. You might even say that they were “raptured.” And guess what? Paul says that one of two things is going to happen to every Christian: either we die and go to heaven, or if we are alive at the right time, we will be “taken/raptured” into heaven, too. You see, at some point in God’s heavenly timetable (and I believe it is very soon), Jesus is going to step away from His throne in heaven and begin to descend just as the angels in Acts 1 said He would. At that same moment, the archangel is going to shout and the trumpet of God is going to sound the most beautiful note that we Christians have ever heard. Suddenly, Jesus will appear in the sky above the earth – only Christians will see Him; only Christians will hear the shout and the trumpet blast. When He comes, Jesus will bring with Him the souls/spirits of all the saints in heaven, and they will somehow come to earth and reunite with their physical bodies (this one is beyond my comprehension so I won’t even try to explain it). Bodies and souls/spirits reunited will somehow become like Jesus’ resurrected body, and they will ascend to Jesus in the sky. And then, praise God, Christians who are alive at that moment are going to be changed into those glorified bodies, and we will be caught up/taken/raptured into the clouds with Jesus and the saints who have gone before us. And at the end of that glorious moment, we will enter heaven to be with Jesus forever. Hallelujah! Praise God! Even so, Lord Jesus, come!

But know this. You need to decide right now to trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Many Bible scholars teach varying timetables as to when these events may occur. Some say that the new Jewish temple must first be built. Others say there are other signs that need to be fulfilled. All I know is that Paul expected Jesus to return at any moment, and we should, too. It could happen today. Are you ready?

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