Monday, January 12, 2015

See You In Church!

1 Thessalonians 3:5-10 – See You In Church!

So Timothy left Paul and returned to Thessalonica. What do you think he found? He found these Christian men and women standing strong. Their faith had been tested, but they were the victors. So very often, new converts fall into temptation when there are no mature Christians to disciple them. Even mature Christians find themselves giving in to the tempter when they isolate themselves from brothers and sisters in Christ. Tempted to return to their old lives and idols, giving in to the pressure of family and friends. And while those who are truly saved can never lose their salvation, they find themselves weak and powerless.

I am reminded of the story I heard years ago and I have used it often. It seems that a Christian man had become depressed and discouraged and had stopped attending church. His wife was concerned and asked the pastor to stop by and visit him. It was a cold blustery day when the pastor rang the doorbell. The man answered the door, and when he saw the pastor, he said, “You can come in, but I don’t want to talk about church!” The pastor entered the house, and they sat down in front of the fire. Neither man said a word. After several minutes had passed in silence, the minister took the fireplace tongs and grabbed a large chunk of wood that was fiery red. He set it apart from the fire, and soon the glowing ember changed from fiery red to grayish black as it cooled. After a few minutes, the pastor returned the ember to the fire, and almost immediately the ember caught fire and turned bright red. As the pastor got up to leave, the man said, “See you in church this Sunday.”

The moral of the story: the fire dies in our hearts when we isolate ourselves from our brothers and sisters in Christ, but it can be rekindled by spirit-filled worship. See you in church!

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