Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Falling Away!

2 Thessalonians 2:3 – A Falling Away

A falling away! What exactly does that mean? The word Paul uses is the Greek word “apostosia” or apostasy. While our English definition is pretty clear, (a total desertion of or departure from one's religion, principles, party, cause, etc.), there are some subtleties to the Greek word that have to be considered. The first 7 English translations of the Bible used the word “departure,” and some considered it to be a reference to the Rapture. This would be great since it would be a reference to the Pre-tribulation Rapture that I believe is true – just another in a long line of evidence for this fact. But then along comes the King James Version, and the translators used the phrase “falling away.” Other translations use the term “rebellion.” So what exactly is the right definition?

In its strictest sense, the word means “to place oneself away from” or “to stand away from someone.” The word occurs a number of times in the New Testament, and it isn’t always used to describe someone who stands wholeheartedly in agreement or disagreement. The point Paul was making in this verse is that there will be a time when people will separate themselves from the church to avoid the dangers related to being part of the church.

Think about it this way: when the trouble really starts, and persecution of Christians heats up, nominal Christians will run for the hills. Those who are part of the “church membership” but not part of the body of Christ will not stand with Christians. Why suffer for something that you really don't believe and are not committed to? Throughout the history of the church, this has been the case. And it will happen in a big way prior to the Rapture of the church. Perhaps this is what Jesus referred to in Matthew 24:12 when He said that “the love of many will grow cold.” True Christians love God with a white-hot passion. That love never fades. In fact, Jesus says in v. 13 that “those who endure to the end shall be saved.” Those who love God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength” are the ones who will endure, who will continue to preach the gospel in the face of persecution.

Read this carefully! The church may get smaller as the end draws near, but the Church will grow because souls will be won through the power of the Word!

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