Thursday, February 26, 2015

Standing For Jesus!

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 - Standing For Jesus!

The Antichrist! What a man – and not in a good way. Jesus told us in Matthew 24:15 that the “abomination of desolation” will take place during the tribulation period. Daniel predicted this in Daniel 9:27 and 11:31. In the middle of what he called the “seventieth week,” what I believe to be a reference to the seven years of tribulation, something terrible happens in the Temple of God. Yes, the Temple that doesn’t exist now but will exist during this horrific period of time.

Here is my theory. As part of the peace treaty established between Israel and her enemies, brokered by the Antichrist, the Jews will be allowed to rebuild their Temple. Since the plans are already drawn up and many of the items needed to re-establish the sacrificial rituals have already been created, it will not take long to build. At some point, it will be completed and sacrifices will begin. And 3 ½ years into the tribulation, the Antichrist will bring an end to the sacrifices made to God, and he will set up his throne in the Temple. Please note that Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the Temple in 168 B.C. by sacrificing a pig on the altar and spreading its blood everywhere. But when Jesus speaks of this in Matthew 24, He says it will happen again, and, somehow, the defilement of the Temple will happen again. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Antichrist would slaughter another pig, but he will go beyond that. He will force everyone to worship him, sacrifice to him, and bow down to him (Revelation 13). He will even create an image/statue (no doubt of himself because of his narcissistic personality) that will be given life (of some sort) so that it can speak and destroy those who refuse to bow down to the image.
My friends, the devil is powerful now, but with the “One who restrains” out of the picture, he will become even more powerful. Millions, if not billions, of people will bow before him. Some will truly worship him as their god, but others will do it simply to survive. They will take “the mark of the beast,” whatever that will be, because it will be the only way to do business in the world of that day. When they make that choice, their eternal destiny will be sealed. They will face hell because of their choice to bow down to this son of perdition.

Those who have chosen to truly follow Jesus will refuse to take the mark and will refuse to bow down to the image. As a result, they will be forced to run and hide. It will be almost impossible to feed their families because they will not take the “mark.” Many will die a martyr’s death and will receive that crown. Those who survive will continue to worship and serve Calvary’s Lamb because true love never grows cold, even in the face of death.
Do you remember the stories of the 21 Christians beheaded by ISIS? It is reported that just before one of the men was brutally killed, he cried out “Jesus.” A prayer? Perhaps. A cry of victory? Indeed! Lord Jesus, give us the strength and the boldness to stand strong for You in the face of evil.

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