Monday, February 2, 2015

Rejoicing Always

1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 – Rejoicing Always

Final exhortations – and they are good. I think in these seven verses (throw in verses 12-15, too), we can formulate a complete doctrine of Christian living. Don’t see these as a set of rules and regulations but as a description of the Christian life. It is all too common today to rage against legalism. After all, God is a God of grace. I fear that like the Roman Christians, we try to go to the extremes. It’s either all about the rules, or no rules apply. Read this carefully. The rules apply. They don’t save you, but they do guide you into right living. They show you how to please God.
So rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in every situation. It’s hard not to rejoice when you are always praying a prayer of thanksgiving because we have so much to be thankful for. As you read this today, we are celebrating the first birthday of our second granddaughter, Lucy. She is a miracle baby. The doctors thought she wasn’t going to live after she was born. She did. They thought she would be brain damaged. She isn’t. If God never did another miracle in my life (and He is constantly working miracles in my life), I would have enough to thank Him for that would keep me busy for all eternity. But our tendency, since we are humans, is to focus on the negative. Rare is the true optimist who has an attitude of gratitude. But that is what we are called to – to see the silver linings in every cloud. God has given us the promise of His presence in every moment of life. He has forgiven and continues to forgive us. When we listen, He guides us through this minefield called life. And in the end, He has given us absolute victory over all our enemies – even death. So rejoice always.

Then, don’t quench the Spirit. How do we do that? How do we puny humans quench the Spirit? With sinful rebellion – saying no to the Father’s will for our lives. By despising prophecies and not holding fast to what is good. By not abstaining from evil. We quench the Spirit by not staying connected to Him in worship and service, by denying His power to work in us and through us.
My friends, we need to walk with Him every moment of the day. Our hearts should be so set on pleasing Him that before we do anything, we ask ourselves, “Is this His will?” Now don’t carry that to the extreme – that would be legalism. But do make it a habit to do what He has called you to do: love God with your entire being and love those around you like you love yourself.

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