Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Beware of False Teachers

Colossians 2:18-19 – Beware of False Teachers

Too many false teachers are trying to convince the Christian of their credentials and then lead them down the wrong path doctrinally – that has been a problem from the beginning. Even Jesus had to warn His future followers that false prophets are ravenous wolves disguised as sheep just waiting to devour them. The apostles dealt with them in the book of Acts. And now Paul is warning the Christians at Colossae. Guess what! They are still around today trying to tell us that salvation requires more than God’s grace that allows us to place our faith in Jesus. Whether it is some particular spiritual gift, a second blessing, or just an added ritual of some kind, if they tell you these things are necessary for salvation then they are false prophets.

Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets!” John said, “Test the spirits.” And Paul tells us that we must be keen observers and know the truth. We must discern the spirit that is within or else they may take us places we do not want to go. Keep this in mind: humble spirits are good, but false humility is a disguise; worshiping angels is not holy because we are only to worship the Creator, not the created; and every true prophet/teacher must be grounded in the Word and know what He is teaching. Sadly, too often, these men and women come into the church teaching things they didn’t see or hear from God. Why? Because their vanity has gotten the better of them. Because they are not holding fast to the Head of the Church – Jesus, and the enemy has led them astray. It is too easy to stray into false doctrine unless we stay firmly established in Christ. He is the One who gives us roots that nourish our spiritual lives. He is the brain that gives us direction and causes the body to function. He is the one that causes us to grow spiritually. So if the teacher is not firmly connected to the Head, how can he truly teach – or how can he teach the truth? He cannot, and it is our responsibility to turn away and not let him cheat us from the reward of knowing Truth.

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