Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Image of the Invisible

Colossians 1:15-18 Image of the Invisible

What a powerful passage of Scripture! I hope that you will take the time and actually read these verses. The image of the invisible God – how does that work? How do you get an image of the invisible? You look at Jesus who  is in every sense the physical manifestation of God. God is Spirit, and Jesus is God in the flesh. Firstborn over all creation. The Greek word is prototokos and means first begotten. Even before God spoke the first words of creation, Jesus was there. He holds the same relation to creation as God the Father does. It is through Him that all things were created, and as John says, nothing was created that He did not create. Jesus was not part of creation but He is the beginning of creation – the source, the agent, the cause of creation. And that creation consists of everything both physical and spiritual. Planets and powers. Air and angels. Kings and creatures. Me and you. All of it created through Him and for Him. We are here for Him, and in fact, consist only in Him. He is the reason that we are here and the reason that we are able to be here. The word consist means “to cause to stand.” Jesus causes us to stand. As Hebrews 1:3 states,  He “…uphold[s] all things by the word of His power….” I hope you see this as I do: it is because of Jesus that we live and love and think and act and serve. He is the preeminent one in all things, especially the Church. He is the head, the beginning, the source of the church because He is the firstborn of the dead. How can we do anything but bow down and worship the One called Jesus?

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