Friday, November 14, 2014

Skyscraper or Shack?

Colossians 2:4-7 – Skyscraper or Shack?

A bank president once told me that when he trains his tellers to recognize counterfeit money, he never shows them a counterfeit bill. He makes them hold, count, touch, and smell the real thing. He said that the reason for this is once you know what the real thing feels like, you just know when a fake bill crosses your fingers. 

It is so easy to be deceived by persuasive words – unless we know the truth so deeply that we cannot be tricked. Paul said it this way: we will be deceived easily unless we are grounded in the faith and hope of Jesus. This is the mystery that has been revealed in Christ Jesus, and knowledge of the mystery, the fact that God the Father loves us so much that He made a way for us to know Him intimately, protects us from being led astray. You see, when we truly know Him and His truth, no amount of persuasive words can deceive us.

Paul knows! He knows that our only hope to survive the onslaught coming our way is to be rooted in Jesus. We received Him in faith, so we must live this life in faith. We surrendered to Him in obedience, we must then live in surrender and obedience. We received Him as a love-gift, so we must live as if every moment is that same gift of love. And as we do so, we are rooted/grounded/given a solid foundation upon which His Spirit builds us up! Skyscraper or shack? It’s our choice based on the faith by which we live. For that, we can be thankful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Brother Ben for always pointing us to the Skyscraper!
Blessings, Scott