Friday, November 7, 2014

What Has God Done For Us?

Colossians 1:13-14 What Has God Done For Us?

Let’s review: given us the hope of heaven, fills us with the knowledge of His will, strengthens us, qualifies us for our inheritance, and delivers us from the power of darkness into the Kingdom. Pause for just a second. He has delivered us from the power of darkness. It is a done deal for His people. We have been rescued. Sin has no more power over us. The curse of sin is dead. And in doing this, He has delivered us (done deal) in the Kingdom. This is not just any Kingdom – this one belongs to the Son of His love, and add to all of these blessings redemption and forgiveness of sin.

I know you see what this means. This is more than moving our names from one list to another. We have been taken out of the realm of darkness and into God’s Light. I was checking out the word that Paul used for “deliver,” and it means to rush or draw is if through a current. So get this: we are washed out of the power of darkness by the raging torrent of Jesus’ blood, and that raging river has carried us right on into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you, Jesus, for shedding your blood. Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for delivering me from the power of darkness. Now, Lord, please give me strength to walk in that freedom!

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