Monday, November 24, 2014

The Body of Christ in Unity

Colossians 3:5-11 – The Body of Christ in Unity
Dying with Christ sets us free from sin. We are hidden in Him, so the world cannot harm us. We are raised with Christ, so our minds should be set on things above. Based on all of that which has already been accomplished, it is still our responsibility and our necessity to put to death those parts of our human nature we call sinful. Paul gives us a list, but it is by no means comprehensive. But why these?
  •   Fornication – because it is the area in which all of us are most vulnerable. Sexual sins/temptation is Satan’s primary weapon against us. The reason: sex is God’s gift to man. Satan’s goal is to take something sacred and turn it to evil.
  • Uncleanness is all things that defile the body.
  • Passion and evil desire involves those sins of the heart and mind – lust unbridled desires.
  • Covetousness is that never-ending desire for more just because others have it. Paul calls it idolatry because it takes priority over everything in life – especially our relationship with God.

It is because of these things that God pours out His wrath on the sons of disobedience – the lost who continue to live in sin and reject God’s grace. As Christians, we need to remember that we were once like that – lost – and were called sons of disobedience, too.

And then there is the other list: the kinds of things that characterize the old way of life. We are to put them off, to remove them from ourselves like old clothes that no longer fit. Perhaps Paul is speaking of a more daily activity in which we must purposely, intentionally control these behaviors:
  • Anger, in all its forms, that evidences itself through our language and ultimately leads to deception. 
  •  Denials. Lies. We put these things off because we have put on the new man and we are hidden in Christ.

And since we are hidden in Christ, we are also renewed in knowledge. We know better because the Image of God, that in which we were created, has been restored in us! The result of doing this: one body. The body of Christ in unity!

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