Monday, November 10, 2014

God's Pleasure

Colossians 1:19-20 God’s Pleasure

God’s pleasure focused on Jesus. So, too, did God’s plan. Paul put it this way: what pleased God was that all fullness should dwell in Jesus; His plan was that Jesus would be the agent of reconciliation Who brought forgiveness through His blood. And I believe that the fulfillment of His plan also gave God great pleasure.

Now, you are either sitting there thinking, “Wow, that’s deep!” Or you are saying out loud, “Huh?” Look at it this way. Jesus is the fullness of God (the image of the Invisible, remember) which means that He is the fullness of His glory, His grace, and His goodness. He is the complete image of God, the power of God, and the purpose of God. He is God’s plan – beginning, middle, and end. And it pleases God to use His Son, Jesus, to reconcile ALL things to Himself.

When Adam and Eve sinned, nature was thrown out of balance. Death entered the world. Neither of these surprised God because He had a plan. From before the foundation of the world, Jesus was destined to die on Calvary’s cross. Because we continue to live in the presence of sin and succumb to the power of sin and all its consequences, nature continues to struggle. However, through His shed blood, balance is restored. It is restored in the hearts and lives of those who accept His sacrifice through faith, and it will one day be restored worldwide when He returns to earth and sets up His kingdom once again. In the meantime, what would give God the most pleasure is that you accept His plan for your life.

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